Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Freelance: Mapel Boutique Portland Monthly advertisement

This was an advertisement for Mapel Boutique to be used in Portland Monthly.

Copyright Paul Calvert 2012

Freelance: Photo Tattoo Removal

This another freelance job I did for Mapel Boutique. They did a photo shoot with a model who had a few tattoos they wanted removed for their advertisements. The first photo is with the tattoos on the arms and the second one with the tattoos removed.

Copyright Paul Calvert 2012

Freelance: Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice Event

I have picked up some extra freelance work recently from Mapel Boutique. This was a postcard I designed promoting an event they hosted with Posh Lingerie.

Copyright Paul Calvert 2012

Another Drop Advertisement

This is an additional image I created for my Drop campaign. It is a quote by Donald Payne.

Copyright Paul Calvert 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

Drop Advertisement

A serious problem confronting millions of people every day is the lack of water. I became aware of the need when my Church began a program called Advent Conspiracy, with all the proceeds going towards solving the water crisis.

My response to this I created a campaign geared towards informing people of the problem. This is an image I created seeking to motivate people to take steps to solving this issue.

Copyright Paul Calvert 20


A drawing that I autotraced and colored in Illustrator.

Copyright Paul Calvert 2011

Self Portrait

A self portrait using Adobe Illustrator.

Copyright Paul Calvert 2010

Invisible Magazine Advertisement

This is a magazine page ad I designed for my Invisible charity.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

BFA Thesis: Michael Jackson Shrine

I graduated in June 2010 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Digital Arts. My thesis for the program explored the similarities between religious icon worship with current era pop culture idolatry. The celebrity I chose to bridge the gap between the two was the late Michael Jackson. I designed stained glass windows in Illustrator, which I used to map a laser cutter to cut and assemble windows using clear, colored acrylic and MDF board. The three windows I created told the story of Michael Jackson's life from birth, his rise to fame and his decline into infamy.

I explain my thesis further on my site at http://paulcalvertdesigns.com/html/Portfolio/BFA.html

Copyright Paul Calvert 2010.

Invisible Walk

Along with the Billboard I designed, I also composed a flier promoting a walk for Invisible in Indesign.

Copyright Paul Calvert 2011

Invisible Charity Billboard

It's not well known that slavery still exists in the U.S. and that Portland sits on the crossroads of two major freeways, thus making it a hub for human trafficking.

This is a billboard I designed in Illustrator, then  mounted to an image in PhotoShop.

Copyright Paul Calvert 2011


Thug Interactive CDs

 As an intern for Thug Interactive I designed four CDs to contain information for their clients. They were using blank CDs with sharpie written on them and they wanted something a little more professional. So I created four different CDs using their colors and grunge aesthetic for Design, Marketing, Strategic and Research information.

CDs copyright Paul Calvert 2010. Thug Interactive logo copyright of Thug Interactive.